When filing for your EIN through our online-filing services, there is a chance that we’ll run across an EIN reference number (Error Number) during the process of your application and we’re left scratching our heads, since the IRS doesn’t provide a lot of details.
Reference number 101 is the most common error that our agents experience while processing our client’s application through our automated e-filing system. We will see a message that states “We are unable to provide you with an EIN. We apologize for the inconvenience but based on the information provided we are unable to provide you with an EIN through this online assistant.” This is not a big deal for concern though, it just means the IRS needs to review your filing manually. Refer to our manual processing in Terms of Service.
Also referred to as Error 101, it simply means the IRS has found a business entity name that resembles to your business name. Although, it may have been a unique business name in the state where you applied, the name likely conflicts with the name of a business in another state. Refer to our business name generator article “The 7 Most Creative Business Name Generator Websites”
Below are several EIN references that we may come across during the process of your application:
EIN Reference Number 102 (SSN/ITIN error):
There is either a mismatch or an error with the Responsible Party’s name and their Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
EIN Reference Number 103 (existing EIN error):
You’ve entered an existing company as the EIN Responsible Party and their records do not match. There is an EIN number and company name mismatch.
EIN Reference Number 104 (Third Party Designee conflict):
A Third Party Designee (a person or company who assists in obtaining an EIN), has entered conflicting contact information. The IRS does not allow a Third-Party Designee to have the same contact information as the LLC, specifically an address (either physical or mailing) and a phone number.
EIN Reference Number 105 (too many attempts):
You’ve made too many attempts online to obtain the EIN (using the same SSN, ITIN, or EIN), each leading to an error reference/code.
EIN Reference Number 106 (single-member LLC with no EIN):
Your Single-Member LLC (which has employees) does not have a Sole Proprietorship EIN yet.
EIN Reference Number 107 (single-member LLC with too many EINs):
Your Single-Member LLC (which has employees) has more than one Sole Proprietorship EIN.
EIN Reference Number 109 (technical):
There are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get an EIN online though (like other reference numbers).
EIN Reference Number 110 (technical):
There are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get an EIN online though (like other reference numbers).
EIN Reference Number 112 (technical):
There are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. There are several reasons this message can appear, but a common one is that their systems have many users and it’s better to try at another time.
EIN Reference Number 113 (technical):
There are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. There are several reasons this message can appear, but a common one is that their systems have many users and it’s better to try at another time.
EIN Reference Number 114 (max EINs per day):
The Responsible Party has already been granted an EIN for the day. An IRS Responsible Party can only be assigned one EIN per day.
EIN Reference Number 115 (Date of Death shows for Responsible Party):
When the system runs a date of death inquiry on the Responsible Party and it comes back to show that party as deceased.